Founded in 1990/91 and owned by physicist Danijel Djurek, AVAC was a typical garage company carrying out research and was planned to be completely self-funded. The main task was fundamental research in physics and dissemination of the research results on the free market. The profit was completely reinvested in research and education, and company activity was conducted under the motto “morning – marketing; afternoon – research”. Moreover, all that should be achieved in an underdeveloped country. Such a courageous enterprise, designed to combine fundamental research with the market, experienced many difficulties in the 1990s owing to the homeland war and the structural turbulences of Croatian society. Despite these difficulties, several scientific papers were published, and the company continued with broad educational activity. Zvonko Medunić finished his PhD, while Ivan Djurek completed his electrical engineering graduate and MD degrees, developing ultrasonic equipment and high-performance amplifiers.
In the next decade, AVAC devoted its activity to the study of the international standards and physical properties of control cables applied to high-energy transmission technology. Study of the resistance of cable isolation to ozone and ultraviolet radiation is a specialty of the company that has been verified in the hard atmospheric corrosion circumstances that exist notably in South Africa.
The research on nonlinear acoustics and sound reproduction resulted in two dozen fundamental and technical papers. The chaotic state and time series analysis were systematically studied in a loudspeaker, including the stochastic vibration properties described by the Navier-Stokes equation.
The turning year was 2010, when the Laboratory for Nonlinear Dynamics (LAND) was erected in Zlatar Bistrica, the first of several planned buildings presumed to be the hard core of the future scientific campus. The laboratory attracts highly motivated young people and students receiving scholarships from AVAC, and they are able to consult many attractive textbooks and titles in the library.
On the grounds in Kumrovec, plants are started for the production of industrial nanocomposites (INAKO). AVAC founded the company Menda nanotehnologije, which is devoted to investigation of the market and associated activities.